Sunday 2 June 2013

Blood Lipid Improvements With Intermittent Fasting+Paleo Diet.

Blood Lipid Improvements With Intermittent Fasting+Paleo Diet.

Sarena sent me some interesting numbers from some old and current blood work. They beautifully illustrate what happens when we control insulin levels and emulate our ancestral diet.
Here is what Sarena sent me:

This was from about a month before starting I-Fasting - just thought this may be of use to you!

Oct 27, 2006
chol total 168
HDL 54
Chol/HDL ratioo 3.1
Triglycerides 61
HA1C 6.0

Oct 19, 2007
Chol total 156
HDL 63
Chol/HDL ratio 2.5
LDL 85
Triglycerides 41
HA1C 5.9

I think the numbers speak for themselves. This was the
addition of CF, a return to eating meat, after 14 years
of being vegetarian, and going Paleo with Zone
macronutrients and the addition of Omega 3s. I cut out
all the grains that were supposed to be good for me and
started life over as a carnivore!!

So, we have about one year elapsed in which Sarena adopted a paleo
diet and she started playing with intermittent fasting. The results
are pretty striking: HDL’s are up, LDL’s are down along with triglycerides.

We see a little shift in the HA1C which is good since Sarena is a type
1 diabetic. HA1C is a measure of how much sugar is sticking to red blood
cells and is a function of average blood sugar levels. I’d like to see that
come down more, but all things considered, this is a fantastic shift.

Let’s put this in a bit of context: Sarena cut out bread, rice, pasta
and all the Food Pyramid-Scheme crap we are told to eat. She replaced
these worthless items with nutrient dense lean proteins, veggies, a
little fruit and good fats from olive oil, nuts and avocado. Not even the
clueless Dr. McDougal could argue with the shifts in blood lipids.