Sunday, 17 March 2013

Intermittent Fasting – The No Hunger Method | Critical MAS

Intermittent Fasting – The No Hunger Method | Critical MAS

I started doing Intermittent Fasting over three years ago. My strategy has always been to just deal with the hunger. If you ignore it, it goes away. When I first began fasting, I’d think about my hunger constantly. These days, it barely grabs my attention.

Recently, I was inspired by a post over at my favorite nutrition website Perfect Health Diet to try an alternate approach to Intermittent Fasting.

Before I go into the changes I tested, let me go over two benefits from Intermittent Fasting.
  1. By restricting carbohydrates for an extended period, you can shift your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis has a host of health benefits. One of which is you burn fat at a quicker pace.
  2. By restricting protein, you can trigger autophagy. This is the process where cells consume and recycle their own damaged material. This results in many health benefits, including life extension.
The Perfect Health Diet post Ketogenic Diets, I: Ways to Make a Diet Ketogenic is a detailed explanation of the ketogenic metabolic pathway. The part of the article I found most interesting was how the use of coconut oil, which is loaded with short chain fats, can accelerate the production of ketones.
This means that if you eat a lot of coconut oil (which is 58% short-chain fats), you deliver a lot of fat to the liver for disposal. The disposal process for fat is conversion to acetyl CoA followed by either burning in the TCA cycle or conversion to ketones.
Since that post was written, I have done many fasts where I consume nothing but 1 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. I find it has a slightly sweet taste and it does lower my hunger level. To confirm I was still hitting ketosis, I used Ketostix to measure ketones. After a 16 hour fast with coconut oil, I was measuring Small to Moderate ketones. Pretty cool.



Well coconut oil by itself may not be enough for the hungry. Have no fear, the Perfect Health Diet book came up with another idea. It said you can consume fermented vegetables on a fast. Wouldn’t the carbs from the vegetables interfere with achieving ketosis? Nope. From the book:
Most vegetable carbohydrates are intercepted by gut bacteria, which digest vegetable fiber into short-chain fatty acids.
If the book is correct, I could eat coconut oil and sauerkraut and still go into ketosis. I decided to test it out.
  • Monday night: My last food intake was at 10 PM.
  • Tuesday 10 AM: 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 100 grams of cortido sauerkraut.
  • Tuesday 1 PM: 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 100 grams of ghost pepper sauerkraut.
The cortido sauerkraut has some carrots, so I was concerned that those carbs might be enough to prevent ketosis. But it didn’t. At 2:30 PM, I tested Moderate ketones on the Ketostix. Victory!

cortido sauerkraut
Cortido Sauerkraut – Ketosis never tasted so good!

So if you’ve put off Intermittent Fasting, because you can’t deal with the hunger, you now have no excuses.

Get yourself some coconut oil and make some fermented veggies.


  1. chuck
    I have done 2 fasts so far. Only for autophagy purposes. I haden’t eaten anything for about 21 hours in both instances. I just kept busy and drank a lot of fluids and was fine. It is probably good to feel hungry every once in a while. I can tell you, no matter what I eat at night after a fast tastes GREAT and I eat like a ravenous animal. Haven’t lost weight either which is fine by me.
  2. TigerAl
    Still doing IF once a week, MAS (doing one today as a matter of fact). I have not had a cold/flu/sinus infection since starting them 2 years ago :)
    I have not tried the coconut oil part but might start that shortly.. take some after the 15 hr fast for women that you recommended or at the 13/14 hr mark?
  3. MAS
    @TigerAl – I would mix it up. I am a big fan of randomness when it comes to fasting. Everybody is different.
  4. Geoff
    This post is really interesting. The idea that coconut oil and femented veg won’t disrupt ketosis has given me some great “food for thought.”
    I recall Mat Lalonde saying that his breakfast was often 1/2 cup of coconut milk, which provided a sense of satiety but, he believed, didn’t interfere with autophagy. Not sure whether the carbs in the coconut milk would be sufficient to disrupt ketosis, but there’s only about 6g in a 1/2 cup, so I’d be inclined to doubt it.
    With the colder weather coming on I am ramping up my IF again. For October I’m starting back easily with just two 16-hour fasts a week. The number of weekly fasts will increase throughout fall, followed by increasing their duration in winter.
  5. MAS
    @Geoff – That is exactly the same strategy I follow. Less daylight, less carbs, more fasting.
    Coconut Milk has almost no protein, so Mat is probably right in believing it wouldn’t interfere with autophagy. It is the amino acids in protein that interrupt autophagy. As for interrupting ketosis, that might vary from person to person as well as the timing of the beverage.
  6. Sheila
    I have been doing my own little version of this, but
    with romaine lettuce and olive oil, as a meal for dinner
    only. Just as a light three day thing.
    Problem, as I was re-checking my data on romaine lettuce, I was dismayed to find that it has a substantial amount of sugars. I don’t know if this interfered with ketosis as I can not afford keto sticks.
    But, I do feel like I am in ketosis.
    What do you think of romaine lettuce as part of this “experiment” ?
  7. MAS
    @Sheila – I don’t have an opinion on romaine lettuce. Perfect Health Diet does make a convincing case for using coconut oil over all other fats.
    Ketostix are dirt cheap at Wal-Mart.
  8. GWhitney
    Cool experiment – thanks MAS.
    I gotta admit though that I’m concerned about the possibility of over-consumption of coconut products. I doubt my genetic line (Northern European) feasted on coconuts over the past few millenium – but who the heck knows…
    I suppose I could try to replicate the experiment with pork lard and/or duck fat…
  9. MAS
    @GWhitney – I think butter might work better. It is the short-chain saturated fats that seem to accelerate ketone production. Worthy of test though!
  10. [...] Interesting posts this week:  Michael A Smith of Critical MAS tests our ideas about ketogenic fasting and finds that he can eliminate hunger while fasting by [...]
  11. Shannon
    I have been doing IF with coconut oil a few times a week for the past two weeks. This week I broke out in a horrible rash. I have eaten coconut oil for years though by cooking with it but this is the first time I am eating it straight. Why do you think it is having this effect on me?
  12. MAS
    @Shannon – That is new to me.
  13. That’s a find, Mas. Anyway, I prefer water-only fasts. The simplier – the more chances it works.
    - Alex Zinchenko
  14. MAS
    @Alex – Water fast are great too. One downside to fasting is that feeling of getting cold. By consuming saturated fat, you can stay in ketosis and increase your body temperature.
  15. [...] of a few ounces of kimchi and one tablespoon of coconut oil. If that seems odd, read the post Intermittent Fasting – The No Hunger Method. It describes a wonderful hack that I tested from The Perfect Health [...]
  16. What types of Intermittent Fasting do you do? For example is there like one day a week where you don’t eat anything (besides the above mentioned coconut oil maybe), or do you not eat from 12am-12pm.
    Just curious, thanks!
  17. MAS
    @Becca – I vary the strategy. However, these days I mostly do 14-16 hours fast with a small amount a fermented veggies and coconut oil. I fast more in the winter months and less in the summer.
  18. MAS
    @Becca – My eating window is usually 2PM-10PM. The kimchi and coconut oil is consumed around 8AM-10AM.
  19. Very interesting. I’ve been trying out a 12pm – 9pm eating window… but find that I often get very hungry around 1am. Like the hunger will wake me up… think i might try just eating a little coconut oil when this happens.
  20. MAS
    @Becca – I have the same issue. I must eat right up until the moment I go to sleep or I wake up hungry. Quality sleep is more important than fasting.
  21. [...] idea: I came across this cool recommendation from Michael at Critical MAS (great thing about IF is the community of people finding new things to try). For those who want to [...]
  22. Matthew
    2 Shannon:
    That rash was likely a fungal infection from funghi that live on ketones. GOOGLE RASH FUNGAL and let us know how you got rid of it
  23. Steve
    I thought coconut oil was medium chain fatty acids rather than short chain?
  24. MAS
    @Steve – Good point. PHD has it at 58% short chain. The Wikipedia says it is 66% Medium chain. Something isn’t adding up. I’m going to contact PHD.
  25. MAS
    @Steve – I got the answer. Paul explained it in his comment thread.
    “… short chain fats in our lingo encompasses the standard “short-chain” and “medium-chain” — 12 carbons or fewer. Since they’re handled similarly biologically, we thought it made more sense to use a descriptive term instead of technical jargon.”
  26. Steve
    Makes sense. Comparing with long-chain fatty acids found in most saturated fats coconut oil, which also contain saturated fat, has short chain fatty acids in comparison but not as short as some other fatty acids. At least that is how I am making sense of this.
  27. [...] Fasting without Hunger (I haven’t tried this but you can read more here) [...]
  28. [...] time (see Paleo 2.0 by Dr Kurt Harris). Besides eating a low inflammatory diet, I also practice a nutrient timing strategy that forces my body to use autophagy as a

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Autophagy an alternative to vitamin D supplements? /  Getting Stronger

An alternative to vitamin D supplements? /  Getting Stronger

Getting Stronger is a blog about the philosophy of Hormetism, based on the application of progressive, intermittent stress to overcome challenges and grow stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. For additional background, click here for the OVERVIEW and AUTHOR pages. 
My recent post on Why I don’t take vitamin D supplements generated a lot of interest and a few misconceptions.  In that article, I did not suggest any practical alternatives to taking high dose vitamin D supplements.  Here I will suggest a way that may provide the benefits of vitamin D without popping any pills, spending all day in the sun, or ingesting copious amounts of fish.

Some readers got the idea that I believe vitamin D is not beneficial, and that I discount the evidence from studies that show the benefits.  I want to dispel that notion.  I do acknowledge the key role that vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) play in bone mineralization and regulation of  innate and adaptive immunity, and among other things.  I further acknowledge that many (but certainly not all) studies support an association between higher vitamin D3 levels and reduced incidence of diseases such as cancer.
As I wrote:
Nobody doubts the important role of vitamin D in the body. But are higher levels of a hormone like vitamin D–whether or not provided as a supplement– always a good thing?
My doubts are focused on several points:
  • Under-appreciation of the fact that vitamin D is a hormone with diverse and dose-dependent systemic effects, still not fully understood
  • Misleading  claims that vitamin D supplementation is “equivalent”  to vitamin D from sun exposure. While the two forms are chemically identical, levels of vitamin D3 synthesized from sun exposure are self-limiting due to feedback regulation.  What happens when we chronically exceed natural limits?
  • Inadequate attention to the possible effects of chronic vitamin D supplementation on homeostatic down-regulation of the VDR receptor. See this discussion bv Dr. David Agus of USC medical school.
  • Inadequate study of the possible long term adverse effects of chronic vitamin D supplementation. Few studies look beyond 4 years. Hormone replacement therapy was in favor for 50 years before the risks came to light . Things don’t necessarily look any more promising when synthetic hormones are replaced bioidentical hormones.
My article created a dilemma for several commenters. These people acknowledged the risks, but nevertheless cited  benefits they personally experienced  from supplementing with vitamin D–ranging from fewer colds and flu, to relief of autoimmune symptoms, and even lessening of depression.

For these people, a key question remains:

Is there a way to get the benefits of vitamin D supplementation, while avoiding the dependency and risks of taking vitamin D capsules daily for the rest of your life?  While I don’t have a definitive proven answer to that question, recent research leads me to speculate here that there is a promising approach that is within everyone’s reach.

It lies within a powerful natural biological process called autophagy.

What is autophagy?   This term  derives from the Greek roots for “self eating”.  It refers to a process that normal cells in every organism can use to derive energy by breaking down and recycling unneeded or “damaged” components.  Autophagy typically kicks in when a cell is  temporarily deprived of externally supplied nutrients, or subjected to other stresses such as low oxygen, infection and chemical exposure.  In the most common type of autophagy–known as macroautophagy–the cell constructs a special membrane enclosure, called an autophagosome, that floats around inside the cell.  The autophagosome is a kind of miniature recycling factory that detects, engulfs and digests damaged proteins and larger organelle structures.  After trapping the cellular components, the autophagosome fuses with a packet of degradative enzymes, known as a lysosome.  It then degrades these large molecules down to their component amino acids, sugars and fatty acids, which can be used as fuels and building blocks for repair and growth.  This recycling of damaged parts ensures an uninterrupted supply of energy and structural components need by the cell.

Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 11.58.35 PM

But the benefits of autophagy go far beyond fueling the cell, and ridding the cell of useless “junk”. Autophagy’s cellular housekeeping function actively counteracts many of the degenerative processes of aging!


Damage to cell structures and proteins is cumulative, and if allowed to proceed without correction, it can lead to malfunctioning of cellular processes and the genesis of illness. For example, a diet high in reactive sugars such as sucrose and fructose can glycate proteins, creating cross-linked structures known as advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), Similarly, oxidative stress can damage lipid bilayer membranes. The accumulation of these abnormal molecules has been implicated in the genesis of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimers, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Autophagosomes have also been shown to engulf and remove intracellular pathogens, such as the tuberculosis bacterium. Most intriguing, while autophagy regenerates the viability of normal cells, it has been show trigger the self-destruction (apoptosis) of some cancer cells and other abnormal cells.  In short, regular and recurrent autophagy is a key defense against a range of degenerative diseases.
The vitamin D connection.  What does autophagy have to do with vitamin D, you ask?  In mammals, the vitamin D receptor (VDR) sits at the beginning of a important cascade of biochemical pathways. Vitamin D3 or 25-D, from supplements or cutaneous synthesis, is converted to the active 1,25-D form in the kidneys in response to pituitary hormone (PTH).  Renal 1,25-D plays a key role in the regulation of bone mineralization and waste excretion. But the VDR is also distributed to widely in cells throughout the body.  After the kidney has converted vitamin D3 (25-D) to the active form of vitamin D (1,25-D) it is transported through the circulation to extra=renal sites by a protein known as vitamin D binding protein (VDBP).  Within the cell, the active vitamin D  interacts with the VDR to provide local control of a range of metabolic functions, including cellular immunity, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, and anticancer responses.

And recent research indicates that one of the key functions of the VDR is to regulate autophagy!
Studies by several research groups have elucidated this signaling pathways that connect the VDR and calcium metabolism to autophagy. According to Shaoping Wu and Jun Sun at the University of Rochester Department of Medicine,
The signaling pathways regulated by vitamin D3 include Bcl-2, beclin-1, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), the class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex (PI3KC3), cathelicidin, calcium metabolism, and cyclin-dependent kinase (Table 1). These pathways are critical in host defense and inflammatory responses. Hence, vitamin D3 and autophagy are associated with innate immunity…Vitamin D3 is a major regulator of calcium metabolism. Increased circulating vitamin D3 activates VDR, leading to increased intestinal calcium absorption. In excitable cells such as neurons, calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to activate calcium-dependent kinases and phosphatases, thereby regulating numerous cellular processes, including autophagy. ER calcium induces autophagy when stimulated by vitamin D3. This process is inhibited by mTOR, a negative regulator of macroautophagy, and induces massive accumulation of autophagosomes in a beclin-1- and ATG7-dependent manner since they are not fused with lysosomes. Vitamin D3 can down-regulate the expression of mTOR protein, thus inducing autophagy by inhibiting the mTORC1 complex.
A review by Høyer-Hansen et al., of the Institute of Cancer Biology at the Danish Cancer Society, elucidates the mechanisms by which vitamin D (“VD” here) induced autophagy selectively target cancer cells:
VD analogs are potent inducers of autophagy in different cell types, and autophagy is crucial for their cytotoxic activity towards cancer cells….[T]he signaling pathways connecting VD compounds to autophagy induction are similar in breast cancer cells and monocytes [7,12]. Autophagy induction in both cell types relies on an increase in [Ca2+]cyt, which could result from VDR-mediated changes in the expression levels of calcium-regulating proteins and the subsequent endoplasmic reticulum stress.
…Autophagy usually exerts a cytoprotective function in stressed cells; however, in EB1089-treated breast cancer cells, the enhancement of the autophagic response by ectopic expression of Becn1 increases cell death… Importantly, 1a,25-(OH)2D3-treated primary monocytes do not show any signs of cell death even though their autophagy response is similar to that observed in cancer cells. Thus, it is tempting to speculate that 1a,25- (OH)2D3-induced autophagic cell death could be specific for cancer cells; if true, this would represent a new cancer-specific treatment.
The Danish group has also shown that vitamin D acts to contain and eliminate the tuberculosis bacterium by inducing autophagy, perhaps providing an explanation for the historical use of cod liver oil and vitamin D as early therapies against TB  before the advent of antibiotics:
In tuberculosis, M. tuberculosis resides in phagosomes and evades host antimicrobial mechanisms by blocking phagosome maturation and fusion with the lysosome. Ultimately, the host must overcome this evasion strategy to destroy the pathogen. Accumulating evidence suggests that this occurs via the autophagic degradation of bacteria-containing phagosomes and the subsequent killing of the bacteria in autolysosomes. Interestingly, a recent paper links the 1a,25-(OH)2D3- and autophagy-controlled antimycobacterial defense-pathways.
They conclude:
Recent data link autophagy to two of the beneficial effects of VD: the induction of cancer cell death and the clearance of M. tuberculosis. This opens the possibility that autophagy could be a general mediator of the health-promoting effects of 1a,25-(OH)2D3. Accordingly, there is a striking overlap among the diseases promoted by VD deficiency and defective autophagy. The new data linking the two health-promoting pathways open an interesting research field that could lead to new options for the treatment and prevention of many common diseases.
All very interesting. But if the vitamin D receptor is an activator of cellular autophagy, with its many apparent health benefits is there a way to activate the process without taking vitamin D capsules or spending all day in the sun?

How to activate autophagy without vitamin D.   While vitamin D is one potent way to turn on the autophagy switch, it’s by no means the only way. Autophagy is a phenomenon that occurs throughout the animal kingdom, not just vitamin D utilizing mammals like ourselves. For example, Morselli et al. have shown that autophagy is a requirement for the demonstrated life-extending benefits of caloric restriction in nematodes, mice, flies and worms.

In fact there are several ways you can naturally activate autophagy in your body.  It turns out that all of them involve one form of hormesis or another:
  • Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting.  In my post on Calorie restriction and hormesis,  I summarized some of the research on calorie restriction in humans, primates and other animals. including the role played by autophagy and other mechanisms.  This is also described in my talk on Intermittent Fasting for Health and Longevity.
  • Brief, strenuous exercise.  A 2012 paper in Nature by Levine et al. in mice found that “Exercise is even faster than starvation” at inducing autophagy… “If you just exercise the mice for 30 minutes on a treadmill, autophagosomes start to form. Thirty minutes of running induces autophagy 40 to 50 percent.”
  • Hormetic stress in general.   A wide range of short term, intense but sublethal stressors have been shown to activate autophagy via a common pathway.  Criollo et al.  showed that multiple stressors, including nutrient starvation and numerous chemicals, trigger the activation of the IKK (IκB kinase) complex, inducing the classical autophagy pathway involving p53 depletion, mTOR inhibition, AMPK and JNK1 activation, and release of the pro-autophagic protein Beclin-1.  How many of the other hormetic stressors we’ve discussed in this blog– such as cold showers–might effectively activate autophagy?

Why I prefer natural stressors.  So perhaps you might be persuaded you to at least consider trying intermittent fasting and exercise (better yet: fasted workouts) to activate your autophagy. If you are one of those who finds that vitamin D helps reduce colds or asthma symptoms — try skipping meals and snacks, and cut back on carbohydrates and excess protein.  I eat one or two small meals a day, mostly low carb or Paleo, and I can’t remember the last time I had a flu or cold.

But taking vitamin D supplements is so much more convenient, right?  I mean — why go to all the effort to subject yourself to uncomfortable hormetic practices when you can just pop a tiny, inexpensive gel capsule once day?  Or even if you go in for exercise and intermittent fasting, why not hedge your bets and throw in vitamin D supplementation too, just to strengthen the brew?
Ultimately a decision like this is a personal one.  You can read all the studies and science that’s out there, but each of us has a different way of balancing considerations of risks and effort, science and intuition.  I can’t make that decision for you.  But I’ll leave you with one thought:

The human species has existed on earth for about six millions years, mammals for 160 million years. Basic cellular defense and repair mechanisms, including autophagy, have played an essential role in protecting us against degenerative diseases during most of that history.  Real world stressors act broadly and in a varied manner. And we have evolved to experience these stressors in their full variety. As Art DeVany likes to point out, real world stressors have  ”fractal” pattern that keeps our metabolisms guessing. To the extent that vitamin D is protective against these diseases, it is likely because vitamin D activates the autophagy signaling pathways. But as David Agus notes in the video I linked above, vitamin D hits a single node in the signaling pathway. Supplementation protocols provide the same fixed amount of vitamin D, day in and day out.

Our ancestors did not have access to a highly purified, concentrated vitamin D pills to activate their autophagy at a fixed dosage every day.  They did it the old-fashioned way:  they “earned” their autophagy with natural and varied stressors like intense physical activity and more sporadic access to foods (and foods with lower insulin and mTOR activation potential).  And they got their vitamin D from the sun and certain fatty foods — again in a varied pattern.

This old-fashioned way of activating autophagy is a experiment that has been running for millions of years. Chronic, life-long supplementation with high doses of vitamin D is a relatively recent  innovation. Do you want to be so dependent on a single compound you take every day?  What happens if you are away from civilization for a few days without your vitamins?

Hormetic Stress (ie. fasting, cold, intense exercise) and the limbic brain /  Getting Stronger

Hormetic Stress (ie. fasting, cold, intense exercise) and the limbic brain /  Getting Stronger

by Todd

Hi Ted,

The key fat loss recommendation in this latest article, as well as the previous one (“Obesity starts in the brain”) to apply hormetic stress.

Intermittent fasting, high intensity exercise (not slow aerobics), and cold showers will lower basal insulin, increase BDNF in the brain, stimulate norepinephrine and alter fat metabolism. A secondary recommendation is to minimize (not necessarily avoid) foods that contain compounds known to inflame the hypothalamus — principally high levels of fructose and sucrose, or palmitic acid (found in meat and dairy that is grain-fed rather than grass fed). You can also add anti-inflammatory oils (fish oil, coconut oil) and anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals (vitamin D, magnesium, zinc) to your diet.

The above recommendations concern direct modification of hypothalamic function. The second main point I made in the article is that regulation of body fat (and other drives) can be changed via “deconditioning” of behavioral responses to cues that are coded in the amygdala.

The most specific advice I can provide is given in my article on the Deconditioning Diet ( In short: (1) cut back on carbohydrates and cut out snacks (2) use cue-exposure therapy to extinguish your conditioned cravings; (3) cut out occasional meals and attempt intermittent fasts of 12-20 hours.

Changes to the hypothalamus typically take weeks to months, so don’t expect an immediate benefit. On the positive side, the resulting adaptations are typically quite robust and sustainable.

Hope that helps give you a more specific idea of how to apply these ideas.
